::This is a Letter written in fall of 2016::
Dear _______,
Fear not, O Savior of Light, for as certain as the suns rays reach our windows on its rising, so too shall your greatest asset to mankind rise above your obstacles and hindrances; and though it may fall, you can have faith it will rise again.
Dread not, O Bearer of Seasons, for as surely as the trees shed in the fall, so do your greatest fears fall from you; and surely as the trees bud in the spring, so will you fulfill your greatest desires.
Delay not, O Pauper of Time, for as doubtful as the brook might be, it always finds its way to the ocean.
Tremble not, O Sanctum of Love, though dust and debris may turn your waters grey and dark, you're stillness begets allowance for what is restless to rest.
Flee not, O Triumph of Kings, for as surely as the stem spirals upward so that its flower can meet the sun, so too shall you meet again that which frightens you to your depths.
Forget not, O Mansion of Arts, lest remembrance fill your heart with sorrow, for the delightful fly finds it's filth quite becoming.
Hope not, O Masquerade of Life, for darkness could not be seen save amidst the light.
Fear not, Old Friend, for these things I say unto you as a favor you once asked of me.